Resources for Medication Management

Websites of Interest:
10 Deadly but Common Medication Mistakes

Taking Medicines Safely: A Guide by the National Institute of Health

Older Americans Substance Abuse and Mental Health Technical Assistance Center
Phone number: (888) 281-8010

Alcohol, Medication and Older Adults

Aging in the Know: Drug Treatment

Alcohol and Aging: The Best is Yet to Come

Medline Plus

Fall Prevention and Medication Management

Books of interest:
Graedon, Joe and Graedon, Teresa, PhD. The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs.

Griffith, H. Winter, M.D. The Complete Guide to Prescription and Non-Prescription Drugs.

Herbal Medicines for Women: What Works, What's Safe Youtube Video

Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Approaches for Women Youtube Video

Other links of interest

 Malcom Gladwell's essay on "How to think about prescription drugs" from the New Yorker makes thoughtful reading material:

"In the end, the fight to keep drug spending under control is principally a matter of information, of proper communication among everyone who prescribes and pays for and ultimately uses drugs about what works and what doesn't, and what makes economic sense and what doesn't."