So I have my prescriptions; now what?

Drugs can take a huge bite out of your budget, but a health crisis can be even more costly.  Estimates of non-compliance, or how often people stray from their prescribed medication regimen, are as high as 50%.  Here are some tips to make sure that you're taking only the pills you need that will have the most impact on your health and well-being.

1. Don't keep your medications in the bathroom.  The humidity and fluctuating temperatures will shorten their potency and shelf life.

2. Twice a year have your doctor review all of your medications to check on what you should still be taking and to have the dosages adjusted as necessary.

3. If a medication is too expensive, let your doctor know so you can find alternative treatment within your means.  Telling your doctor right away while your meeting them face-to-face is key before non-compliance issues crop up later on and threaten your health.  Often there are older versions or generic brands of the same drugs available that can be just as effective.  But always check with your doctor before making any switches.